Meaning of HOME

Meaning of HOME By: Neria.A (My place/Introduction) Meaning of home is a place where you have people, Opinions and life. Some people think of it as an apartment or a house, But I don't think of it as one. There are many ways you could feel about home. You could feel Sad, Happy, Angry, Frustrated, Loving, Caring and many more. You can have bad times and good times. You love your family that lives in your house or their house. It's ok to be mad at them sometimes but try to not be. Try to express your feelings maybe by Caring, Loving and Helping your family. Be what you feel like! (Family/Happy times) Family is probably the first thing you think of when you think of your home. Maybe it's not the first thing you think of but it might be in your mind. If you think of family you might feel Happy, Sad or both! Maybe you think of good times with your family like playing games, Spending time with each other or cooking with them. Maybe you don't like spending time with them. But you could give them a hand. You could help them. You could thank them or give them a gift. The most important thing is that you have a roof under your head. (Statistics) Home is a place where you feel frustrated or nice and calm but what are the statistics? How much did your house cost? Maybe it cost a lot of money. Your house is an expensive place. Usually it costs around $500,000 - 1,000,000.( Maybe even more) Think about will you use all that space? Will you loan the house or will you buy it? How will you pay for it? Do you like where it is? 4.(Conclusion) But in all your house is a home either way you will like it or not. You Will have good times and bad times in it. Meaning of home is what you feel like at your home or house.


5 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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