
What makes a good home to you? A good home, in my opinion, is a place you are safe and welcome to be at/in. It should be a place that YOU feel comfortable to be in. You shouldn’t be scared or uncomfortable going there, but you should be happy about it and liking it. To me, again in my opinion, people may have different thoughts and that’s fine, it isn’t just a literal house it could be an apartment or a place you like to be. I know a lot of people who say, including me obviously, that it’s a place your always welcome to, a place where people love you or welcome you to stay a place where you have fun. To me, it should be a place where you can do what you want, of course not anything bad or stupid or dangerous, you know what I mean. It should be a place where you can feel what you want and say what you want, again, not anything bad, dumb or offensive you get the point. It should be a place where you are included no matter what. A home to me, is a nice, safe place to YOU.


5 Année

Ajax, Ontario

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