Meaning of Home

The meaning of home means a lot of things for me. A home is filled up with different characters, age and gender of humans. It means family, love and secureness.These created my home. First, family means parents, friends, siblings and the rest of my family because they are the first people that came in my life, without them I couldn’t live this happily. Home is a problem-solving place. For example, a home is where I’m myself , home is where I can show my feelings. My home always looks and feels alive. Not even the prime minister can’t change it because home is not a thing.A home starts a community to represent. Next,it is secureness because the home protects my family and me from snow, rain, sun, hail, tornadoes and wild animals. Again, it protects us from enemies too. For example, fights, wars and harassment. My sweet is a right spot for me to secure my future by exploring the world or to make a decision about my life. My parents can leave this home for us and the next generations to secure their life. Outside of a home is called a house , it’s just a shelter to protect people with rules and regulations but a home protects more than that without any rules and regulations. Then,love is about caring. Caring about a home is love, double the love I have. Some people say that a home and a house are the same.But there are differences between home and house. A house is made with wood and bricks but a home is made out of love , family and communityAlso,a home is a family for me but a house is just something that helps me.Home is love no one can change. For example, when special events happen at my home it’s a memories taking pictures , framing it's awesome. Love is a comfort. The comfort gives positive vibes,it doesn’t have any rules and it's mine. Comfort comes in every home,even someone's closet that they show their emotions in but doesn't make them different. Finally,the meaning of home means all of this to me. The difference between a home and a house,the comfort I get and use and solve problems. All of these characters make it a home and all homes don’t have these characters because they are different homes. The meaning of home is everything to me. By:Asmita Sivarupan Grade:5 School:Highland Creek Public School 1410 Military Trail,Scarboroug,Ont MIC1A8


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Scarborough, Ontario

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