A home for you and me

It all starts with a heart that’s filled up with care, And at home, kindness, should always be there. It must be taken care of or else it cannot grow. Home must be loved and cared for even in rain or snow. Home isn’t a roof, or a room with four walls, it doesn’t need to be fancy, like a grand castle with halls. Home is a place where you feel that you belong, it’s where you know your loved ones can care for you, even when you don’t feel strong. Some days you feel like you could lift the world, some days you feel weak. Home will always be there for you, your feelings don’t always have to be neat. Home is a place where you can express yourself, it should be peaceful where you know people can help. If a loved one is sick or a loved one is gone, Home can still move, on and on and on. You can find new people who like you for who you are, and then your new home will always be close not far. Home is not a house, but a feeling we all deserve to know, home is a place that’s safe, where you can feel comfortable to grow. Home is a place, where you can make memories happy or sad, home is a place, where it’s okay to be mad. Home is something that can always be fixed, it doesn’t always need a roof or bricks. So, for the people who feel that they don’t have a home, I hope to bring awareness and make them well known. It all starts with some people with very kind hearts, and then your home already has a good start.


4 Année

Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi