What is the meaning of home?

A home means a roof over your head. A home is yours but a house may belong to anyone. A home is a cozy place only completed with family , and friends.You don't need a chair,devices or even toys to have a perfect home.Is where you know you can’t be judged for who you are,you will always be supported in your home,and you will always be loved.It doesn’t matter what your home,looks like it’s all about what’s inside.Everyone has their own perspectives ,and stories about their home.Nobody started big ,everyone had to start somewhere,If you work hard for it you can get to your goal. One day you’ll be sitting down asking yourself how far you came, and remembering all the challenges that you have faced,soon one day teaching others how you can't get what you want or need on the first try.one day in your house you will be thinking you have failed so much ,and that's more you have gotten closer to your goal.Homes can be small or big the most important thing is that the home is filled with kindness ,and being inclusive to the other member’s of your family or even you’re friends.One day you stare outside ,and love you love this house but soon it will be yours, you're home, and your story. (A little summary) Home is yours, everyone has one ,and everyone deserves a home. Your home to me is your house. Your home could be big or small but that doesn’t matter at all (✨Remember every home is perfect size shouldn’t matter✨)


5 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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