What home means to me
A home is a place where people see each other face to face
When home is secure everybody is pure
Sometimes home is happy, sometimes it is sappy
All of the time it is a happy home and it is filled with joy and happiness
A home is no home without memories, happiness and laughter but a home is a home with all those things
A home can be a place where stories are shared and where the worst stories are bared
A home is a place where secrets can be shared and some secrets bared
A home is also a place where problems can be fixed
A home is a place where people spend time together and make joy and peace that people will remember forever
A home is a place where troubles are shared and fixed so that new peace and justice can be placed. When new memories are placed we sometimes fear the worst things face to face
A home is a place where more are made than a house
A house doesn’t make many memories but a home makes millions of memories.
A home is a place where people call it peace and justice
A home can not be taken away from you because all the memories will be lost and new memories can not be made