I once had a home
I once had a home the size of a hut,
It wasn't very pretty ,and was covered in dust,
It might not have looked like a home
But with my family I could not say no,.
My hut was a place where I could dance ,and sing all day,
The hut was extremely safe to play,
The windows kept the danger out, while I would play in the house,
I learnt how to walk at my home,
How to put on my shoes,
To talk ,and use a fork ,and spoon,
Our memories were distant ,and would fade away ,as we would stroll down memory lane,
My home would talk to me, telling stories from overseas,
Every brick one by one had a story from everyone,
I could be living on the road,
Or in a vehicle that can’t go,
I could be living in a family home,
Or mansion 3x the size of a dome
A Home doesn't need walls or a head,
Windows or a bed,
A fancy sink or walls covered in ink,.
A closet full of clothes or bags too expensive to afford,.
“A home is a place I can be MYSELF
With my FAMILY
A house could be anyones, A home should be for everyone”
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