January 29, 2022
Home to me is safe. I feel protected in my home. My home has strong walls and a tough roof that keeps out the hail, rain and snow. My family inside my home makes me feel safe too. I have a kind dad, a loving mom and a playful sister who makes me feel safe. My home is quiet and peaceful. Sometimes my mom plays Praise music in the kitchen and it reminds me that God is protecting my home too. Even if I do not have a house, I will always have a family and God. I love my family and God more than anything. I love them and they love me. My home is safe.
Home to me is comfortable. I feel cozy in my home. I can walk around in my colorful pajamas all day. I can come home from school and just flop on the comfy couch and watch a Minecraft show. My bed is warm and soft and I could sleep in my bed forever. It is like a big, squishy balloon. I will not be judged by anyone if I lay in my bed all day and cuddle my fuzzy, wooly white sheep. I can smell lavender in my home and blueberry pies baking in the oven. My home is comfortable.
Home to me is fun. I feel joyful in my home. My fuzzy, Shar Pei dogs give me joy and are part of my home. My dogs, Vinny and Diva, play with me by jumping up and down and running all around. It makes me happy that my dogs are part of my home. I can play with my toys too. I have a whole toy room filled with fun toys like Lego that I use to build enormous castles and military bases. I have lots of fun games to play with like Nintendo Switch, XBox, Super Nintendo and Wii. I love to see all the different characters in my video games and winning levels. My home is fun.
Home to me is love. I feel kindness in my home. My family is loving because we give hugs to each other. My dad always lies with me at bedtime. We like to talk about what we are going to do the next day and sometimes we watch funny shows together on his phone or I read him chapter books. I love to read the “I Survived” books the most, especially the one about tornadoes. My mom is caring because she makes yummy food for me. She makes me my favorite dinner of caesar salad with croutons and sweet, juicy chicken. My sister always plays with me. We like to play games together and she lets me come into her room so that we can trade Pokèmon cards. My family also smiles at each other and laughs a lot. We love each other. This is how my family loves me. My home is love.
My house is where I live, but no matter where I live, home will always be in my heart. My family will always be with me and I will always be loved by them. This is what home is to me.
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