Home Is Amazing!

The way that I want to look at what home means to me is to look at the heart of the 4 letters that make up the word home. The first letter is H. H stands for house, the actual building where I live. I am grateful that my house is a warm place when it is very cold outside. When it rains I have a roof over my head that keeps me dry. I have more than enough food to eat that I can store in my house. When I turn on the tap I have clean fresh water to drink and bathe in. I don't have to haul water in a bucket from the lake or a well and carry it to my house. The second letter of the word home is O. O stands for others. I can invite my neighbours and my friends to come to my house. My friends can come to sleepovers to play video games and go play outside. When I invite my neighbours to my house we can go outside and enjoy my yard. Your neighbours can get to know you well and help you when you need help like shovelling out all your snow in the driveway. The third letter of the word home is M. To me M stands for my mom. Home is where my mom lives. Your mom is someone who you can thank because she makes your meals. At home, your mom helps you to make decisions. Your mom is someone you can talk to. Your mom can teach you to do things at home like making hot chocolate and cookies. We would not be able to do these things without having a place to live. The next letter of the word home is E. E stands for enjoying. A home is a place that you get to look forward to going to after school. You can enjoy being at home because you know you won't be alone there. I can enjoy having a dog whose name is Wonder. She is always ready to play a game with me and to keep me company. Having a home means that I can live safely and be protected from mean people and vicious animals like coyotes AND THIS IS WHAT HOME MEANS TO ME.


5 Année

Niagara Falls, Ontario

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