A House is One Thing, but a Home is a Home
A house is a structure. A big structure built with bricks, wood, and nails. But a home, a home isn't a structure. A home is more than just a structure. A home is a beauty spot, a beauty spot where you get to feel comfortable and even, eat, drink, and dress how you want. Having a home is one of the luckiest things in the world to have. The air inside of homes is filled with love, kindness, and connections. A home is sweet like a Hershey's kiss . The kind that makes you feel nice and blissful. When you leave your home you might feel empty and when you return your heart pumps gently. A home has love like snuggling up by the fire, a love that is so warm and protecting that I desire. But there is nothing wrong with a house. That keeps your feet dry. A house is strong and sturdy, It shields you from rain and cold. But Home is a place filled with Love and Joy, A home is a place where you and your family are able to feel comfortable.