My life is in my home
My home means my memories. I have heard that while a house is made of bricks, a home is made when people live in that house. In a house, families live together and create memories with love and affection. From my childhood to now, I have lived in my home filled with happiness, loving memories, and safety.
My home gives me happiness because I can do activities that I enjoy such as playing and reading books. I like playing with my family, dancing with my toys, and singing in the shower. I also have a big ball in my grandparents' room that I like to roll on and even do reading on top of it. Thus, I am happy because I can be myself in my home.
My home gives me precious memories because many fun activities have happened. My memories include playing with siblings and cousins, watching movies in my basement and cultural events. These have been ingrained in my mind. These are the fun memories that I share with everyone and feel special.
My home gives me a comfort of safety because I always feel like I belong in my home. Everyone is respected and loved in my home. I have a feeling of stability in my home because I can withstand difficult situations. I also feel safe because I know every corner of my home. There are many people such as my parents, grandparents, siblings and neighbours that I can trust.
In conclusion, I love my house. I love it as it is, and I would not change a single thing about my home. Houses can break while homes stay strong and I wish everyone has a home filled with happiness, security, memories, not just a house.
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