What Home Means to Me
What Home Means To Me
We respect our land because we own it and we use every inch of it. Home to me is where we are messy and we get our hands dirty. You go outside to do your chores and see all the animals, they are all special to me. My home is where you get stronger everyday and have a routine. Every morning we wake up, we go collect eggs, feed the chickens and see if they have water. We go to our garden because we grow most of our vegetables, including Carrots, potatoes, and peas. In our field we grow hay for our animals to feed them. Our land is special to us because we use everything and we don’t waste anything.
When we live on the farm we see life and death. We watch calves and foals being born and them also dying. We laugh and sometimes cry but we always stay strong. There is a lot of physical exercise on a farm where you are lifting heavy waters, chickens, straw, hay and much more. When you live on a farm you have a lot of grit and resilience and that makes you stronger. When you live on a farm you have to be strong, mentally and physically. I could never imagine not having my own home because my home makes me stronger.