Meaning of HOME

What is home? Home means something different to everyone. Most people think home is a building that they live in all year round. A place where they sleep, eat, play, and hangout. To me home is where the heart is. A place where I can feel safe, a place where I feel stress-free and don't have to worry about being judged. I can be silly as I want to be, I can dance or sing with out being afraid that people are watching me. I can play whatever I want with out people thinking that I am being immature for my age. To me home is where family is. We may not always live in one house but where ever I live I have my family. My family does not laugh if I do something weird, they join me in that weird activity. They are there to love and support me through everything. They are there to love me when I'm are feeling down. Family is home to me. Home is where I feel comfortable, it doesn't matter if certain friends make me feel comfortable or even a toy, that is where my home is. Home is where I learn. Home is where I learn, whether it is a school teacher or a parent, I learn new things each and everyday thanks to them. I learn things that other people may not know. I learn to except things that are out of my control. I learn that home is different for everyone. I learn that home is a different place or thing. I even learn that some people may not have a home. Some people's home's may not exist any more. There are things that I don't even know how to put into words, things that mean home to me. There are so many people in the world that may not have an idea of what home means to them. Most likely because they are on their own or don't have a home. So let's put an end to that. Let's stop hearing about people who don't know what homes means to them. Let's stop running into people who are on their own and don't have a home. Let's build a house or even an apartment complex or even just a small neighborhood. It doesn't matter to me or to those people who don't have a home, but let's make sure the world has an idea what HOME means to them.


6 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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