Meaning Of Home

Meaning of Home By: Ashton First, home is a place where I feel free. I can be me and share my thoughts with my family. We like to do puzzles, have conversations and other fun things. Also, home is not just walls and a roof. A home is a place where I can feel the comfort in my bed, on a couch, or eating a delicious meal. My favourite is enjoying a steak dinner! I think it is sad that some people do not have the safety and comfort of a roof over their head or a cozy bed to sleep in. I feel strongly about doing my part to help habitat for humanity. I have learned that this amazing organization has done a huge part to help others have a home one house at a time! One day I wish to build a house with my dad for a special family in need! Finally, I will always remember Christmas in Mrs. Bench's 5/6 B class here in Fenwick Ontario. We supported Cravings By Jayne bakery and we raised enough money and purchased 25 gingerbread kits for our class! By doing this we supported Habitat Niagara and I felt so good to be helping others. Having a home is the key to a happy life!


5 Année

Fenwick, Ontario

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