Meaning of home
Once upon a time, there was a little boy and his name was Henry. He and his family were going on a walk. Then Henry noticed a man lying down on the floor without anything with him, Not even a jacket ( It was very cold over there ). So he went to him and said “ Why are you out in the cold by yourself, and not even wearing a jacket? It is freezing out here, maybe you can go home”. Then the man replied, “ I don’t have a home so I sleep on the streets”. Then Henry felt really bad so he went back home and got a jacket, blanket, food, and water. Next, he ran back to him and gave him all the stuff. He even got 20 dollars from his piggy bank to help the homeless man out. The homeless man was so thankful he didn’t even have any words to describe how grateful he was. Then Henry felt really good by giving and helping others in need so he set a goal for himself to help and donate things to help homeless people.
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