What a Home Means to Me

A home is a place where you live. You can call it a place where you sleep, eat, play and lots more of amazing things. I sleep in my own room, so I usually call someone to sleep with my in my safe room. I feel safe in my room that is in my home that is safe. It protects you from rain, storms, and mean people like robbers. It is a place where you can make memories. I have a lot of memories my home like having a birthday party celebrating my birthday, staying up till midnight on New Year's Eve. I think everybody should get to have lots of memories in a home like me. At home I feel special and happy. I think everyone should get a home so they can have fun and feel safe like me. I am glad that I can get someone a home. I am glad that I can submit this to Habitat for Humanity.


4 Année

Woodstock, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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