Home to Me

Home is walking in the door to my house and feeling instantly welcome and relieved. Where when I walk in the door all of my problems and stress disappear. My room is a place where I can chill, feeling comfortable in my gaming chair or on my bed. Home is laying down in my bed tucked in about to fall asleep like I'm in the clouds. It’s waking up early in the morning and moving like a sloth to the car to go to the hockey rink and play with your buddies and have fun with them. After playing the whole day and doing school work and other stuff than playing with my little brother whether it's mini sticks or wrestling that's what home is to me. Home is to play board games with family and friends or sitting around the Christmas tree laughing and playing around unwrapping presents and eating, talking all around the dinner table. Home is sitting in bed or on the couch watching movies or going to the drive-in or theatre and watching movies until you have to go to bed. Overall home is a place where I feel welcome and cozy with friends or family. This is what home is to me.


6 Année

Wasaga Beach, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi