Home means that you are safe and happy and my mom and dad comfort me when that makes it feel like home. When I go outside and shovel snow with my dad that makes it feel like home. We also like to watch movies together my favorite movie is Hotel Transylvania 4 and 3
But mostly 4. We also like to play video games to my favorite to play is Mario kart Deluxe 8 version. We also like Minecraft but we don,t play it much and we used to have a fish and frogs
But the fish died and the frog croced
We also like to go to the camp and avanchy when it is summer we and going to have smores we also like to see our dad cut down trees. And we jump on the trampoline we have slept down there before we also like to go to the beach and our nan and pops. We like to play board games my favorite board game shut the box and we watch movies kinda like movie night. We also like to go on avanchers in the woods
Sometimes we just go on long drives in the car or truck sometimes we go to the grocery store my mom works there. Or we go to kisers they have very good subs there mc dononelds is good too. We also like to bake cookies but dad does them himself so does mom and last night my dad made spaghetti yum. Owen and me like to play with our nerf guns but we have to take out the bullets so we don't hurt. our self one time I had a bullet in the gun and I shot my brother I got in big trouble for that.
Oh and I know I already told you about my pets but I did not tell you about what pet I wanted so what pet I want is a pet pig I don’t care what color it is. Its because it does not have fur and I
Wouldn’t sneeze and I wish I was not elerjex to dust mites because I sneeze all the time because there is so much dust. I am going to tell you more about what we like to do we like to go to the skate park and also when there is a lot of snow we go to fort Edward and slid down the mountains it is so fun. We might get some crazy carpets.
I am going to talk to you more about videogames the video games Im going to talk to you about
Is minecraft and mario. So lets talk about mario first so mario is a game that you have to race
people to the finish line. It is hard thought there are three races my favorite world is the haunted mansion Its scary. Now I am going to talk about minecraft its a very cool game you can trade with villagers they want emeralds. So the first thing you do in Minecraft is you punch trees and get tools, you get a sword, and a picaxe to mine stone. Your main goal is to defeat the
Ender dragon its the final boss in the game.
I am going to talk to you more about why I am allergic to cats and dogs. It all started when I was five years old I had three cats, Moca, Oreo, and Algele. I was fine with them until I wasn’t, everything changed that day. I was sneezing very bad and I couldn’t breath so we sold them.
A few days later they died and my dad had a pet it was a husky his name was Shadow and he died too, Shadow died in my dads arms.
These are all the things that make my home a home.
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