What Home Means To Me
Home is a peaceful place where families come and have fun. Home is also helpful. I can make it look pretty. And it’s when your family helps you. Home is where I was born and memories grow and grow as I get older.
First, it’s peaceful because you get to spend time with your family. It is peaceful because I can have a roof over my head. It’s peaceful because I can get along well with my family.
Secondly, it’s helpful, because I can help make it better by decorating it with photos, a pretty couch, some kitchen stuff and making it pretty. It helps me because I can sleep in a bed and be happy. My family helps me with things I can’t do on my own, like cooking.
Third, it’ s fun because if I want to play with my siblings I can play with them and have a great time. My family and I can have the time of our life. It's amazing how you can make things and hang them around your house.
Finally, the most important thing is the memories. It's where I was born, it's where I grew up and I don’t want to lose those memories. It's a part of my life. My memories are never going to leave my home.
Our home is a special place. I don't think I wanna leave that. Construction workers want to make everybody happy by making homes. I would like to thank Habitat for Humanity for everything you have done. I hope everybody can get a home soon. One day I will help people get a home to make memories, have peace, have help and have fun with siblings and family. Thank you Habitat for Humanity you guys make everything easier in life.
By: Kimiaya B.
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