What home really means to me.

When I was a kid I used to think a home was just a place where you live, but now I've realized a home is where memories, family and shelter is the first thing I have in my heart and that's very important to me. Memories are what love puts inside you. Memories are very important to me. I hope they are important to you too. I have many memories I love. I remember my 9th birthday when everybody came to my home. We all ate strawberry cake, I also remember all those times we had dinner all together and we were smiling those evenings at the kitchen dining table. I also remember all those times my cousins came over to my house. They always slept over and we always played video games, it was very fun. Memories are what makes me happy and loved by my family. Family is the first thing I have in my heart. My family loves me so much and I love them very much too. Family is very important to me because my parents work so hard for my brothers and I and everyday we repay that by massaging my parents in the living room of our home. I love when my brothers play with me outside in the backyard or even inside the house in my room or in the basement, we always smile in the house and it's always fun. My big brother, mom and dad were the ones who took care of me in our old apartment when I was a baby and I really appreciate that. Family is so important to me. Is it important to you? Shelter is what is called a home. I feel really safe when I am in my home because of lightning storms, rain, and thunder. I feel really scared when it's outside during a lightning storm because of all the thunder and how loud and scary it is, especially the strike of lightning. Also, because the winter is very cold outside and when you're inside your house you are very warm because of the heater. I also feel safe from robbers and thieves coming into my house and that really scares me every night but I realize I have shelter and I feel more happy and safe. Shelter is very important to me because that's where you and your family live and where all the love and storage are put into. I have now realized that a house is a house and a home is a home, they both have different meanings, a home is where all the love is and a house is where all the storage and furniture is placed, and to me the love is more important because of my family and memories we have built in there. And I am very grateful to have a home and a loved family.


4 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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