Home is a special place to me and it is full of special things. I have lived in Windsor since I was 3. I don't remember any other home. My home has a pretty big yard that is fun to play in. Our house is big and I like It. I have one dog named Maple, an 18 year old brother named Zach, a 21 year old brother named Noah, a Mom, and a Dad.
The people at my house are such a big part of home. When everybody is at home, laughter and happiness are always in the air. I never get bored at home because somebody is always up for playing a game or watching a movie. I love my family.
My home has lots of rooms. We have a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a piano room, two bathrooms, four bedrooms and an attic. The attic is also a bedroom. I like having lots of rooms because I can switch bedrooms. I only switch every two to five years. I have switched four times!
Maple is my cute, old, and silly dog. I love her very much. She does not shed so she needs to get a haircut. She can have a ton of fur and be very fluffy or she can have barely any fur. Maple is the only pet we have and the only pet we’ll ever have. Maple is thirteen and she should live between twelve and fifteen but she seems to be doing good.
My home is always warm. I like that we always have the fire hot, the heat on high and the sun shining in. A living room without the heat of the fire just wouldn’t feel right. Christmas day wouldn’t be the same without the heat up really high. Maple loves to lie in the sun everyday and It is a lot cuter than her lying in the shade.
My family loves to play games. My whole family likes to play games but we all like different types of games. Mom likes games like Scrabble, I like board games, Zach likes fast games and Noah and Dad like some more than others but seem to like them all mostly the same. We all like to play Dutch Blitz though. It is really fun when the whole family gets together and plays a game of Dutch Blitz to 75.
I like having a big family because there are so many different combinations. Sometimes I can hang out with everyone, sometimes I can hang out with my brothers, sometimes I can hang out with Mom and Dad, sometimes I can hang out with Noah and Dad and so on and so on. Everybody likes to do different things and every combination of people always do different things. Noah and I like to watch shows and go on workouts. Zach and I like to play frisbee. Mom, Dad and I like to play games.
I like having a big house. Having a big house gives everyone lots of room. When I stay over at my Grandparents house It seems so small. I love that I can have privacy when I want. I normally like to be around my family but sometimes I don’t and when I don’t I like to have the option to be alone.
I think my house is special. Every home shows what the people are like by what they put in the home. I think that an empty house is just a house but when people fill the house it becomes a home. My home is most definitely a home because it is very full.
I love to go on vacation but I also am a little relieved to be at home again when I get back. It’s hard to explain how I feel when I get home after being away for a while or even just a day. I always feel happy to be home, relaxed that I can go to bed or sit down and relieved to be safe at home. It is a special feeling that makes me love my home.
My home has yummy food. Mom and Dad take turns cooking supper. I honestly don’t know who makes better food. I feel like we have something different everyday. My parents usually make supper but when we have the ingredients I like to make supper.
My parents wanted to move a few years ago. My Dad works in Halifax so we wanted to move there. My home is perfect though. We have a big old house that would probably cost the same as a tiny house in Halifax. We didn’t move because we worked a lot on our house. We even painted it. I am really glad.
We are making a lot of changes to the house. I thought I wouldn’t like it because I like things to stay the same but I like it. My house used to be blue but this Summer my Dad painted It Purple. My room is completely different from a year ago. The attic is going to be Mom and Dad's room instead of Noahs. All changes I think I wouldn’t like but I do.
I love the way we celebrate Christmas. The whole family is happy, I can eat whatever I want and I get to stay up three hours later than a normal night. I always get lots of presents but giving the presents is just as fun or more. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is that my dog Maple can come upstairs to Mom and Dad's bedroom when we do stockings. Christmas also has really long breaks. This time it was longer than a month!
I hope we keep my house forever. My home is really special to me. I love my family, my dog, the way we celebrate Christmas, all our games and how big my house is. I love my home.
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