The Meaning of Home!
These are some things that you need for a home. A home is not just a building. Before I used to think of a home as a building, but now this project helped me realize that a home isn't just a building. Now I think of a home as not just a building, but a place to make lots of memories, have fun with your family and a place to feel safe and happy.
A home is a place to make lots of joyful memories. I remember opening all of my amazing presents with my family on Christmas morning in my home and being so excited to get something I really wanted. I remember playing lots of fun video games in my home like Terraria and Rocket League with my friends and family. I like playing lots of fun board games like monopoly with my family. I like eating my delicious cake and opening presents with my friends and family on my birthday. Those are some of my favourite memories that I made at my home.
The most important thing about a home is living with family. I love playing with my rats Sakura and Cammy and teaching them lots of cool tricks. I also like relaxing with them and petting them. I love watching some of my favourite movies in my basement while eating tasty popcorn and salty chips with my family. In my home I also like playing some fun video games with my family like Mario Party and Mario cart because a Mario Party can last for more than an hour so you spend more time with your family while also having lots of fun in your home .
It's important that when you're in your home you have to feel safe and happy. When it rains or when the weather is bad there is a roof on your home to stop the rain from coming inside. When you're in your home you need to feel comfortable and happy so that means you have to have furniture like couches, chairs and a bed for you to sleep on. You should also have things in your home to entertain you like books, a tv or even a computer.
Those are three things that you should have in your home. That is why a home is not just a building. Now I have realized that a home is not just a building. Before this project I used to think a home was just a building but now I know that a home is not just a building. A home is a place to make lots of memories, have fun with your family and a place to feel safe.
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