My Home Is My Family

All homes are different in their own way. We are all different and that’s what makes us wonderful. If you love yourself, your family, your home, it is truly a gift. Homes can be extraordinary, if you just dig in deep enough, you might find something you did not yet know of. You see, home is not just a simple brick. Home is hard work. Home gives you comfort whenever you wish. Home is where hearts beat and grow with love. With kindness, and family. Home is where memories are kept and made, where you come every day from school, from shopping or from a walk. It's always there waiting until you return, getting ready for when you come back. It just sits quietly, waiting. Home is a place where you can be you, a place where you can act however your heart desires. Home is a place where all are welcome. Where all may come in and out. Home doesn’t only let people come in and out, it also gives them hope, laughter and joy. It wants the people to come back again. It sends a message to their hearts that cannot be ignored. They send a come visit again letter, for the company is just what they need. Home is what keeps us going, what keeps us warm after a long journey, what gives us a tingly feeling inside. Home is where you celebrate for many things ahead. You might celebrate an anniversary. Or perhaps your birthday, or even your friends. All of these are treasured. Your home gladly holds a roof above your head and strong walls. Home isn’t where you are. It’s who you're with. For me, my home is my family.


5 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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