My Home

My home, a place of happiness and joy. A place that we take as a luxury. But some people can’t have one. A place of memories. Both happy and sad. A place where you can be yourself without judgement. A place with people who love you and don’t care about your imperfections. It may be a place with 4 walls and a roof. But it’s way more than that, its: A stress free place where you can relax. A happy place that everyone needs to have. A place where no matter where you are, you’ll always miss it. A shelter of safety. A family house where you can laugh and play. A gathering place for friends and family of all kinds. A place where you can lay down and sleep the night through. A place where you are fed three times daily. A place where you are always warm. In rain, snow, heat or blizzards. It will always be safe. No matter the amount of house’s you have. That house will always be called home. This place called home is a place that keeps us alive. It keeps us together, it is the structure for all the next generations, all next memories and us. It is a place with food, water and heat. It is a place that holds holidays, births and sometimes friends. A place that keeps us inside and borns us and kills us. It is one place and will be for eternity. A home is a place everyone needs. It’s not fair that some people are homeless while others live in palaces. Some people are cold while others are warm. It’s not fair that everyone isn’t blessed to call a house a home. That is what a home means to me.


4 Année

Bright's Grove, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi