Inside my home there is 4 family members living inside and those family members are me (carmen) my father, my sister. And my brother. We have 1 small kitchen, 1 bathroom, 1 large basement, and 3 bedrooms. My siblings and I sleep in the 3 bedrooms and what makes me sad is my dad sleeps in the living room. It’s usually because he wants to protect us and to answer important phone calls like school, work, and bills. Anyways my home means a lot to me. Yes, it’s a bit small for a family of 4 (including 3 ANNOYING but cute pets) but it still works for us. Onto my room I have an Xbox with a TV and my laptop and in case you’re wondering my Xbox/tv is on my desk, I have the smallest room but its fine cause it’s easy to clean. On to my brother Koby’s room he has the biggest room just letting you know and, in his bedroom, he has a Roku tv with a Nintendo switch, and he got those for his birthday by the way and the reason he got the big bedroom is cause I switched with him cause every time I would always see him playing his Legos in a very cramped space and that would break my heart seeing him play in a small space while I have the big bedroom and also I tend to get very lazy to clean a big bedroom- but yeah I asked my father to switch and months later we did so we did and now seeing him play all he wants in a free big space makes me feel better knowing I probably did the right thing. Wow that took ages to explain about Koby’s room- anyways let’s get to my oldest sister Kayley!! (I love you Kayley and Koby!) so in Kayley’s room she has a white Xbox and an AMAZING computer with a keyboard that glows up, and we would often play on our Xboxes like we would play Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft and all sorts of games like that!! Her room is more designed, clean, and organized compared to me and my brother’s room. And sometimes she would allow me to have a sleepover in her room and she would also allow me to use her computer for either work or games (I LOVE YOU KAYLEY!) now to our living room, in our living room we have a TV connected to my dads Xbox (yes the 3 of us have Xboxes weird I know) and in front of our TV there is a bed where my dad sleeps also a couch because sometimes we would have movie nights my favorite genre is horror and if you seen me playing on my Xbox I would be playing horror games on there. back to our living room when you enter you will see a desk with my brother’s computer on it and beside the desk our table where we never eat at (DON’T ASK WHY WE LOVE GOING UPSTAIRS TO EAT OKAY?) And I know not much to explain about our living room but on to our kitchen, we have a sink (obviously) and beside is our dish rack thingy like you know that thingy where you put wet dishes on to let them dry? Yeah that- Anyways across our sink there is a microwave, stove, and a fridge and we have a closet to put more snacks/soups/rice just in case our cabinets are full. Lastly our basement where our cats live, They live their cause we tried sharing rooms with them but last time one of our kitty’s “cinnamon” she pooped on my hoodie but luckily for me it was my least favorite hoodie anyways in our basement (where I’m planning to make a fort for fun) you will see a washer and a dryer and a pile of dirty clothes beside it and when you look at the side you will see a old bed we used, also in the corner we put the litter box their so they wouldn’t make a mess but somehow they made a huge mess and I don’t even know how but when it was my turn to clean their litter box I see a few clothing in the litterbox along with a trash bag like they somehow knew I was going to go down to clean up it but I assumed they had problems with doing so cause when I got downstairs and made my way to the box it was all torn and ripped up- so I look at the side and see my cat staring dead eye at me and so I did my work finished and went upstairs but yeah that is our basement I know it may not be much but my home is good enough for me and thank you dad for finding an amazing home.
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