What Does Home Mean To Me?
From the moment I was born, I was home. Home isn’t just a place. The dictionary says that ‘home is a place where someone lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or a household,’ but I don’t agree with that, home is wherever you and your family are. Home to me means safety and love, food and warmth, care and family. People say that ‘home is where your heart is,’ and I believe that that’s true…..With a little editing. Home is where you and your family are. It doesn’t have to be your biological family. It doesn’t matter if you look different from the rest of your family, family is the people who love you and take care of you. They are always by your side and they will always be there for you. Your family keeps you safe, they work hard to put clothes on your back and food on the table. Home is not just a label you can stick to a building, home means family. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you live in, home is where you and your family are together in spirit and in flesh. Home is where you and your family live, laugh, love; home is where you and your family hope, dream, and have fun adventures together. Home is where you and your family share happy moments and sad moments, silly moments and serious moments, and everything in between. Home can be a lot or a little different for everyone, but one thing is the same, home means a family that loves you and takes care of you no matter what. Home is so much more than a four letter word, home is where you and your family are.
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