Home-it is where family feel safe and secured. It is where each family member on that place feel loved and respected. More family is haveing a difficulty on owning a house because of the high price of buying one, so most of the family is rent a place in which have a contract on how long they can live on. And yearly the rent also is going high which brings difficulty to the family to own one and with little options to do some also move place to place where they can meet their financial stability with all ther pills and rent to pay with this situation settling for good in some family is hard. For a family that is just starting buying house is important because it is important because it is where a family grows and get their all dreams start with. As a child I believed that a home should be a place where all every child feel more loved, respected and foundation of being a good person. Because everything that you leearn from your home is what you will share outside to your community and also it help to encourage other people to follow your good traits that you have learn inside your home. Home is where also hope and dreams of child start and with a help and support of each and family member these dreams is achievable and be done. I also believed each child should have a place they can call home with their family because home is where love is and dreams are made of.
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