
Have you ever thought about how fortunate you are to have a home. Imagine you are snuggled in with your family,sister,brother,or even your pet . Now try to imagine how it feels to not have a home. how does it feel? Not so good. Iknow someone who has experienced that feeling but they were very strong and kind that’s what got them through life.But most people don’t have that strength in life so it’s our job to help those people to get through life. For me home can be anywhere that I feel safe. Some people may think of home just a place where you live. But home for me is my friends,my family,my neighbours ,the wild life,memories. But as long I’m with my family I’m home. What I’m really trying to say home is really just another word for family.home can be multiple places in the world you just have to feel safe and loved. It could be in a shelter,a friend’s house, or even on vacation. Anywhere could be your home. Apart of your building home may be a bed ,running water,food,drinks,pets,and friends. Your yard even counts as your home it could have grass or no grass,tall trees or small trees,bricks or no bricks but it’s still your home. Your pet could be big or small, dark or light,dog,cat,hamster,fish,lizard,snake,or any other pet. My home is big,has a guest house,French bull dog,grass,tall trees,bricks in the backyard,and a pool. What ever your home looks like and feels like I’m sure it’s safe. Maybe you don’t feel home like you just moved to a new home,new baby,pet your’e scared of but there still your family.when I got a new baby sister she was all I focused on for a while because I loved her emiediatley and I was very protective of her. When I got my puppy I was so happy.When I moved it felt weird but I was still excited. Some people feel sad,happy,or even mad how do you feel when your’e home?


4 Année

Brantford, Ontario

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