Having a home is very important because it helps you keep warm and because it stores all the stuff that you need to live. Having a home is very necessary because it also gives you a nice place to sleep.
My home means to me a very comforting place to live because I can always come home relax and just be myself. Whenever I need a place to just be alone or whether I need a place to talk, my home can always be that place.
My 5 senses about my home: When I walk in my house I would say if my dad was cooking something the house would smell like that. When I walk in my home I see a fun place. When I taste food from my fridge it tastes good. When I walk in my house I hear my brother and my dad playing video games. When I walk into my house I always feel the smooth wood from our railing.
I think that everyone deserves a nice warm cozy home. Because everyone matters and cares about their health/safety. In winter it is really cold here right and sometimes if you don't have the proper clothes you can probably get frostbite so even if you don't have the proper clothes for winter a home will make you nice and warm. So everyone needs a home for so many reasons that's why everybody deserves one.
I feel really grateful that my family has money to buy us food, water and clothes and even for me to have a home. I also feel really lucky that I have a loving family to care about me. I think every kid on this earth should have a home. I really love my home and my family.
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