What Home Means to Me
Home is a place where you are loved
And a house is just a house.
A place where you are not judged
A place where you can live, laugh and have fun
You can create new memories and learn from your mistakes.
It's not what it looks like on the outside, it's what's on the inside.
It is a place where you feel warm and safe.
A place where your family is.
At home, you can escape the world.
A place where you can spend time with the people that you love most.
If you are at school or at work you will
always know there is a family waiting for you at home.
A place where you can be yourself.
And talk about your worries.
You can play games on the couch.
Or eat dinner with your family.
You can bring your friends over and show them your room.
You can do fun activities like draw or play video games with your family and friends.
A place where you can go outside and play fetch with your dog or play on the trampoline with your friends.
You can go outside and take a walk. Or maybe have fun with your neighbors.
Everyone can have that if you just write a poem or an essay. If you enter the meaning of home program you do not have to donate they donate ten dollars for you. It will make someone's day if they had something to protect them from the rain and something more comfortable than the ground.
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