The Meaning of Home

By: Mikayla White What is the meaning of home? Most people think that a home is 4 walls and a roof but for me it goes so much deeper. In my opinion, the meaning of home is the people inside, like my parents. My mom is an independent woman who is full of confidence and is prepared for anything to come, and my dad is the best dad and he isn't that bad of a cook either I must say. My little sister is the type of person who can be really annoying or the absolute kindest person. These people are what truly makes a home, a home. I wouldn't be here today if it weren’t for my family. Their love is unconditional and they always support me, even through the very tough years we had lately because of COVID. A home is like a favorite blanket, it provides you warmth and makes you feel safe. Every home has at least one good memory like the time that The Elf on the Shelf painted my dad’s toenails or the time when my parent's surprised me with a new puppy. It was the best day of my life. All those memories fill me up when I think about my home. When we were stuck in the many lockdowns, my home felt more like a jail cell. All I wanted to do was get out. But what I didn't realize was that my home was keeping me warm and safe from COVID 19. Some families aren't as lucky as we are. They may not have a warm home to go to. This teaches me that we have to be grateful for the things we have. Something my family started to do since COVID was tell each other at dinner every day what was the best part of our day, and what we are most grateful for that day. My Mom is always thankful for food on the dinner table and that we are safe and happy. My Dad is most thankful for the family that he was gifted. My sister is thankful for her friends, and I am always thankful for the family I have in this home we have made for ourselves. What home means to me is the people on the inside. In conclusion, I encourage everyone reading this to try to donate anything they can to the food bank to help others in need. I LOVE MY HOME AND I HOPE YOU ALL DO TOO.


6 Année

Baden, Ontario

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