meaning of home
The meaning of home
Home is not a building with 4 walls and a roof, it's a loving family or community that loves and cares for you.
Home is where you should feel safe and protected, it should make you feel happy and proud no matter how big the crowd.
Home is not where you should feel like you're transparent, It's where you should feel rarest, in your home you shouldn't be careless in all fairness
Home can be big or small, you just need to care for all, you will always have a connection with home no matter how far you go.
Home is an amazing thing not because it's portable but because you're always together, every time you feel home the feeling gets stronger and better.
Home is always close because you're always connected, no matter how far or close you're staying, when you are home it will never postpone because you should enjoy it because you can’t clone it.
Home is important because nobody should feel alone, home makes you feel happy and cheerful and together not because there is a roof over your head but because it's there forever.
A home and a house are two completely different things, a home is in your heart and in Your family’s or community too, a house stays in one spot and is a big responsibility.
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