What does home mean to me?

My home is a place where I can come home after a long day. It is where we sit by the fire, laughing and having fun. Home is where myself, my three siblings, and my parents have the most fun. Home is where I took my first steps, so it really means a lot. We live on the land of my great-great-grandparents, who started the family farm more than 100 years ago, so it is very special to us. Home can be anywhere; just a place that is really a place you feel special and welcome. I feel like my second home is at the ice rink because it is where I play hockey every weekend, having the most fun doing what I love. Home can be anywhere in the world as long as you feel safe there and feel like you never want to leave. I feel like my home is perfect. Some people think the idea of home is a huge mansion with a big pool, a butler, and their own room – but really, it's not. My home is on the farm and it is so fun because I live on one hundred acres, so in the winter we will be skating and in the summer we will be jumping through the sprinkler. In autumn, we host a gathering with cider hayrides and pumpkins with family and friends. Our family of six has the most fun here because it fits us. That is why my home is just perfect for me.


5 Année

Mooretown, Ontario

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