what is a home
What home means to me poem
By: Ronan Bowie
What is a “home”?
Happy and loving all around me,
Always with my family
They will support me all the way
Home” is more than just a roof and walls.
O h Canada our home and native land” yes inuit cultures matters to this land were all standing on first nations and inuit land they were fear first.
My “home” is where I feel safe.
Even if my house collapsed my “home” would still be there.
My “home” is very calm in the countryside with the birds singing unknown songs.
Even if some animals have different likes and dislikes they all have the same meaning of “home”.
After all, it's their land too, every living creature divers a “home”.
Never think someone or a living thing does not deserve a “home” where they feel safe.
So many people deserve so much more! Their lives matter too. Some families don't even have fresh water.
To everyone a home means different things some people might be frightened of home because where they live.
Over everything in the whole world, “home” is where my family grows.
My “home” means everything to me.
Ever wondered what is a “home”, that is what it means to me.