What Does Home Mean To Me?

To me home means a warm and welcoming place where you can start new lives and feel good about yourself. However, to other people it could be a cold unfriendly place where you feel sad. But a house doesn't have to be a building, it could be a field or really anywhere that makes you feel good. This contest will help homeless people so I think that everyone should have a caring home like many do. My first reason is that when your feeling bad it can affect everyone around you and feeling bad can be caused by not having a home or even not having a caring home. So I think that everyone should get a home no matter anything. My second reason is that if you are in your home with your family you might feel good but what if you didn’t have that house how would you feel? Now picture living in that condition without your house you wouldn’t feel as good would you? So that is why everyone should get a house. My third and final reason is that if everyone was happy then there wouldn’t be as much fighting and like I said in my first reason “when your feeling bad it can affect everyone around you and feeling bad can be caused by not having a home” and that is why everyone should get a home. In conclusion to me, home means a warm and welcoming place where you can start new lives but not everyone has this so please help everyone get a home and feel good so that the world is a better place to live in.


5 Année

Ottawa, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi