A Home
A home is a place where you can love your family. A home is where memories are kept.
A home is where you can be comfortable while you lay in bed.
A home is where you spread kindness to your loved ones.
A home is a place where you can get lots of love.
A home is where you can share your ideas.
A home is a place where you can relax and feel love.
A home is a quiet place where you can listen to peaceful music.
A home keeps you dry when it's raining.
A home is an amazing place when you are cold and thirsty. Home is a warm hearted place where you get lots of love. A home is where you can go outside and play
A home is where you can sit down and watch the sun rise.
A home is a place where the sunbeams through the windows.
A home is where you can talk to your neighbours.
A home is where you can fall in the snow and make snow angels.
A home is a place where you can learn lots of things.
A home is where you can look out the window and see the stars above you.
A home is where you can say your feelings if you want to.
A home is where some of your emotions happen.
A home is a place where you can spend time with your family.
A home is a place where you can stay safe.
A home is a place where some have a great view.
A home is a place where you can see the birds pass by.
A home is where you can be taken care of.
A home is a place where food is kept cold.
A home is where you can stay warm
A home can be a building big or small, but it's still my forever home.