Home to me I feel like is a place where I can feel like myself and not be judged. Also be at a place where people care for you and will do anything for you. It is a place where you will make memories. And is a place where you were born and where your family lives! Home to me like I said I can be myself. I can try new things, be able to be loved, and be with the people who care. For me all that Love, can be in many forms like gifts, family, and pets. The one I care most about is Love, that your parents give you all the time. Remember wherever a rainbow is, is where there is always love and a caring family. Remember even though a rainbow is not near your house, it still means that your family still cares . Even though you may have your bad times in your house-hold it still means that you are cared for. Family does not always mean by blood. I have had many families and I still think of them as family. Family can mean like a person who would do anything for you, and will let you stay at their house even at the most difficult times. I had been in many foster homes in my life, but all of them cared for me. At times I also think of my neighbors parents as my parents. But remember home does not have to be where you live. Home can be your county or your city. Home can be where your heart is. Home can be a school or a Church. A home is really anywhere so home is where your heart lives.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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