What Home Means to Me

What does home mean to me? Home to me is a safe place, where I can talk about the ups and downs of my day and tell my problems to my family and feel loved. A place where I can be with my family and friends making the best memories and having fun together. I know when I get home I will be greeted with caring and loving people. Whenever I think of home I think of a bunch of super kind people, a place where I can have fun and funny memories that I can look back on. When I go home I can have warm beverages and tasty food. I can talk and play games with my sister, brother, mom, and dad blissfully and have a good time. I’m grateful I can come home to a warm and nice home. Not everyone has a warm and nice home but they still have their loving and nice siblings and family they can look forward to seeing, after the day is done. Even if you have a step dad or step mom they will love you because you are family to them. I love being at home because I can make the best of it and I can express my feelings without getting made fun of. I can also know they are trustable and we can go to fundraisers and give money to the poor and I can maybe put a smile on someone's face because of food and eventually buy a home just a little can help someone. Just by having a family can make me feel happy and know I am loved even if I am different by race, or gender and just know everyone is loved by someone. To me a home is where your heart is.


6 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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