What Home Means To Me.

Home is everything to me. Home is a feeling. It's the place where I feel like I'm not alone. Everyone deserves a home. Home is family. I have two parents, a brother, seven cousins and lots of aunts and uncles. When I’m with them I feel that I’m at home. Last summer my cousin drew a portrait of his closest family, the people that live in his house, and then he drew me. I felt so happy and so loved. My family shows me so much love and no matter what I do they always make me feel at home. There is no better feeling than being at home. Home is safety, which is not something that everybody is able to have. I've thought lots about safety. I've always had a net that catches me when I fall, there is no better safety net than family. Family is safe and safety is home. I try to be a safety net to my friends, family, and enemies, because you never know what is happening in their lives. You want them to feel like you can be a part of their family and that they are safe to tell you anything. Home is a place where I can feel happy or sad. When I'm sad, my family is there to comfort me and they make me feel safe and at home. The happiest memories I have are always with my family at home. It's important to communicate how you're feeling and I've always felt that I'm able to do that when I’m at home. To me home is not four walls and a roof it's a place where I feel loved by family and friends, where I am safe, and a place where you can feel happy and sad. That is what home means to me.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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