What Home Means to Me and Why

Hello. I will be talking about what home means to me. To me, home means a lot of important and unimportant things. Some of these things are friends, family, my dog, comfort, quiet, food, and also video games. All of these are important to me because without one of them, home doesn't feel the same. In these next few paragraphs you will see all of the things that make up home to me. Friends and family are a big part of the meaning of home to me, even though they can’t come over during a time like this. They mean a lot of the meaning of home to me, because when I come home from a day at school, I like to see my mom, dad, and sister. Sometimes home means family time because some nights my family will play a board game, which is a part of home to me. Another big part of home to me is food and home cooking.That is a part of home to me because when I come home from a long day at school, I can always smell my mom or my dad cooking something on the stove or in the oven. I always like my family’s cooking, because it is never something that I don’t like. On Fridays it is my favourite because my mom will put deep fried food in our oven and we will have that with caesar salad for dinner. The last big part of home to me is pets. Whenever I come home from a tough and long day of school, my dog is always happy to see me, greeting me at the door with her tail wagging rapidly. I always like to play with my dog because she tears after the ball at top speed and then sits down with her chin on my lap and chews the ball. That is why my pet is a big part of the meaning of home to me. So in total, there are alot of things that are part of the meaning of home to me. I talked about pets, food or home cooking, family, and also friends. These are all things that are a big part of the meaning of home to me, because they make me laugh, feel comforted, or just feel at home. I hope that you agree to some of these things, and I hope you have a good rest of your day.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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