I Love Home

A home is where everyone belongs. A home is where I can eat good food and drink fresh water. A home is where people care about you and where people are loved and where you matter. When I get home from my friend's house and I see my dog and cat’s it makes me feel really good because my animals make me feel really, really happy. A home is where I can be myself. Home is where I can come home every night to my warm bed. When I think of home I think of my mom and my dad that love me so so much. Home is where I can go when I feel sad or mad and my mom or dad will make me feel good. I love going home at the end of the day and seeing my mom and my dad and my brother and my animals. I love my mom and my dad in different ways. My home is the best place in the whole world.


5 Année

Saint Andrews, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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