Home means to me

Home is a place I love coming back to. Home is a place where I eat food. Home is where I sleep and here my pet and family live. Home is where I learned to walk where Home is where I get kept warm. Home is where I get love Home is where I have a roof over my head and where I eat food. Home is where I fight with my brother and sister. Home is where I learned how to talk. Home is where my first christmas was. Home is where I had my first brother. Home is where my mom and dad live. Home is where I have a lot of memories. Home is where I had my first dog. Home is where I get to drink water. Home is where I touched my first hockey stick. Home is where I think of family and good memories. Home is where I got my first toy. Home is where I got my name. Home is where i got mad at my brother Home is just not a building it where i was born Home is where I toughened up. home is where I took a walk in the woods for the first time. Home is where I meet my mom and dad and my sister and brothers. Home is where I was happy for the first time in my life. Home is where I eat toast I am grateful for what I have and what I don't need. I am safe there and love my home more than anywhere in the world.


4 Année

Montague, Île-du-Prince-Édouard

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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