What Home Means to Me!
I love my home. My home to me means family, comfort, friends and cozy. I have a fireplace in my house which makes it cozy for me, I also have family and friends so I feel safe at my house. I have a big cozy couch which I feel comfortable on. When I'm home alone I feel scared. I feel scared because my house is big and it feels spooky. I also have a dog so I don't be that scared when my family and friends are gone. My home is the best in my opinion. My home is the best to me because it has a bunch of my belongings and important stuff, like my tractor that I got for my first birthday and my favorite blanket my mom gave me when I was born! The blanket got all the Winnie the Pooh characters on it! My family has a lot of family pictures and we don't want to lose them. So that is why my home is the best to me. My home doesn't have very many rules. That's another reason my home is the best to me. Just some other information, we done are home up this summer, we put new shingles on the roof and put new siding on the outside of the home.. It looks really nice. That was just a blooper.
That's the meaning of home in my perspective!
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