What Home Means to Me

What home to me is that you can feel safe and warm there, cozy and comfortable as well. It’s a place where you can talk to people about things, have fun, and have your friends over. It’s a place where you can bond and cuddle and ignore the devices for a bit. It’s a place where I feel able to talk to people when I’m sad or when I’m stressed or need help with something! It’s somewhere I have my own space and freedom as well as privacy. Its somewhere were I help my family and they help me with homework, and I help them with dinner and chores. Sometimes home is a bad place. Like strict parents and abusive parents as well as no privacy nor help with anything. Sometimes it’s a scary place to go. Where you get no help when your stressed or sad, when you need help and I know someone will be there for you.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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