Home is such a wonderful place to be. Home is where families bond together, home is where people make memories, home is where you and your siblings play together (they can also annoy you).
Home is a secure and safe place to be. Home is a warm and caring place.
My home to me is a warm, comfortable and peaceful place.
But let’s think about the people with no such things. Instead of a house they have to sit and sleep on the streets.
Let’s take a look at the perspective of the “homeless” person.
They can’t afford any food, water or sometimes clothing.
Imagine, in winter, how cold it would be if they or you didn’t have proper winter attire. They’ll freeze in the cold.
I feel so bad when I see a person sitting on the sidewalk and asking for money with a sign that says “please help me.” While people just walk by them and probably think they were “disgusting” or more rude words.
My mom would always tell me never give a homeless person money, give them food instead. I asked her why? Her response was “because if you give them money, they can spend it on drugs or other not-so-good things.”
Obviously, I and my sister cannot help them at this time and moment, but I will and always want to help them out.
I believe that, no one should live on the streets. Even though they might have done some bad things, everyone should have a second chance in life. (EVEN though they used all those chances, they still deserve more chances.)
Before I didn’t think about my home as much, but thinking and writing about this makes me so grateful.
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