the meaning of home and what it means to me

The Meaning of Home and what it Means to me If I lost my home, I wouldn’t just be losing a roof and 4 walls. I would be losing all the memories; joy and I would also have to focus on getting a new home and I would have to leave my other dreams behind. My home isn’t just a house to me, to me home is a place where I can have support for my choices. Where me and my family can have adventures and my family can give me strength. Where I won’t be judged for having a special toy, blanket or teddy. A place that where I can cry tears of sadness and happiness. A place that surrounds me with people I can trust. My favorite thing is when I wake up and get to see my family and how my cat swarms my feet when I walk in the living room.


6 Année

winnipeg, Manitoba

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