Meaning of Home
We’re going to talk about the meaning of home. The meaning of home is usually family but it can mean anything like your dog, your toys, anything. The difference between a house and a home are a house is built out of metal, brick, stone and a home is made out of happyness and love and sometimes a house can make it into the calom for home because you can love a house for it’s shelter.The meaning of home to most people is family but it does not have to be family because the meaning of home can be anything, anything you can imagine and the meaning of home can be anywhere because if the meaning of home is your stuffed animal and you bring your stuffed animal to forda then the meaning of home will come with you so the meaning of home will falo.
A house and a home can be weird because what does a house provide? and what does a home provide? I'm going to tell you those questions: what does a home provide? A home provides happiness love but what it does not provide is shelter now it can sometimes but it usually does not provide shelter because what if the meaning of home to you was your stofy how can that provide shelter. What does a house provide? it can provide shelter but it’s not as special as a home it can do a lot of things like a place to live or a place to raice a baby.So hopefully you have lerned that the meaning of home can be anywhere and anything but hopefully you have also known now what a house can provide and what a home can provide but hopefully you now know what the meaning of home can and what your meaning of home to you is.