When I Am At Home
When I am at home, my heart fills with joy
It does the same for every girl and boy
At home, we smile happily
Grateful to have food, shelter and family
At home, there is passion, and there is also pride
A place to dream dreams that stretch far and wide
A place to put bad thoughts away and aside
A place where nobody needs to cry
When I am at home, there is love and blessings
People who laugh and they are expressing
What home means to them
Sometimes people walk through the warm or cold streets
But, over there, sitting on the concrete
People with signs that make others cry
“Please help me, I don’t have any money to buy
Food for my two kids, or a home for us three
Please, please, can you help me?”
Days, weeks, months go by
Still many humans aren’t dry
Under the sky, with no roof over their heads
None of them have nice warm beds
My family hugs me on cold winter nights
Then we all turn out the lights
For we must go to sleep tonight,
Tomorrow, home will be there, and everything will be alright
By writing a poem, we can wash away grief
We can give people lots of relief
Homelessness is terrible
Unfair and unbearable
Everyone deserves a place to live
So a home is what we will give
To the people who need a place of love
A place of peace, hope, and all of the above
Because humans have feelings that matter too
So I say, home is the most important place, it’s so true!