Meaning of Home
The Meaning of Home
When I think of home I think of a place that I can feel safe and happy. I think of a place where my family and friends are. I think of a place where I can relax and feel comfortable.
The meaning of home is different to everyone but to me it is somewhere I love, somewhere safe, somewhere I am happy. For some kids, camp is like a second home but for me, school is like my second home. All of my friends are at school. I know everyone at school. To me school feels safe. School makes me feel happy and comfortable. I am at school all the time. So to me school
feels like home.
Sometimes people mistake home for a house like “I will meet you at home” when they really mean “I will meet you at my house”. But in my opinion they are completely different. A house means furniture and beds. Kitchens and bathrooms but no one ever talks about the difference between a house and a home.
In conclusion, the meaning of home to me is not walls and not a roof but just a place for me to be me. A place for me to feel free because for me that is the whole meaning of home.