What Home Means To Me

To me, home means love, happiness and safety. Home is not complete with just bricks it is only a proper home when there is love, hope, and safety inside it. Safety is that feeling of laying in your bed or couch or anything and not worrying about anything. Or when you wake up from a good sleep and are excited for a new day not scared of what will happen next. One last example is when you feel like as long as you're in your house you are safe, that is safety. Next one is happiness, this is harder to explain, happiness is waking up and being happy that is what a house does it makes me happy. Every time I come home into my house I feel very happy. That is happiness. Last but not least love. Love is a wonderful thing love is a mix of safety and happiness it is the best feeling you can feel these three things are what describe a house love, happiness and safety. Home in my opinions holds a lot of memories that is another reason why home is so important to me because it holds a lot of memories and when I am older I will remember it as a big part of my childhood. A house is filled with all kinds of memories. Memories are very important because they make is who we are. So what I am saying is houses are very important because they produce memories. So in total, what I am saying is love, happiness safety and memories is what home is to me. These are just some of the reasons home is important to me!


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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